Monday, September 15, 2014

Giraffe and a Turtle

We occupy the same space with different world view
Giraffe eat from the top of the trees while the turtle moves to the grass 
You'll lose my point if your mind is stuck in the zoo
Let's walk together I'll show you the view through the hour glass. 

We eat on the level of our vision 
When you get critism from the turtle 
Don't lose your cool 'cause you will lose your provision 
They are reporting the view from the level of their own as turtles. 

Their view might be dragging you back to your past 
The murmurings of the turtle will cost you good opportunities
Your level of understand is different so our conversation won't last 
Let's celebrate our differences and build our community. 

The 25 pound heart of a giraffe pumps blood up his 9 foot neck for its neck to stay high
If the giraffe lowers his head he will lose his consciousness and pass out 
Don't expect the turtle to eat from the leaves so high 
They can't see your view even when you shout. 

When you are built to be tall you will endanger your position if you lower your perspective 
You can not explain to a turtle a giraffe's decision
The turtle is not wrong but giving it honest report from his perspective 
Whether you choose to be a giraffe or a turtle it's your decision.  

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