Thursday, August 25, 2016

Daily To Do List

Be happy, 
Be helpful, 
Be healthful,  
Be peaceful, 
Be useful,
Be careful,
Be joyful, 

Monday, August 22, 2016

One Jesus

There are so many gods but there's only one Jesus. It doesn't matter who you are, what you've done or where you've been! He wants to set you FREE...✌️

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

God the Father

God the Father, God the Son, 
Holy Spirit you're all one,
Bless Nala our loved one, 
Tickle her before we see the sun, 
All her life give her lots of fun. 


Monday, August 15, 2016

Enrich The World

Each day, I hope to inspire, 

Challenge, catalyse your desire,

Point you, to what you really aspire, Show you, real work before you retire,

Introduce you, to you you'll admire,  Equip you, and leave you with fire.

Together we can intentionally enrich the world.

Friday, August 12, 2016

9th of August 1956

Commemorates the march of approximately 20 000 women to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to petition against the country's pass laws that required South Africans defined as "black" under The Population Registration Act to carry an internal passport, known as a pass, that served to maintain population segregation, control urbanisation, and manage migrant labour during the apartheid era. The first National Women's Day was celebrated on 9 August 1994.[1] In 2006, a reenactment of the march was staged for its 50th anniversary, with many of the 1956 march veterans. #HappyWomen'sMonth