Friday, May 15, 2015


In life you have to keep moving, 
There's no time to be screaming, 
Endure any type of tight squeezing, 
As long as you're still breathing. 

Like skin you'll have self healing, 
Listen to your heart, it is beating, 
Commanding you to keep dreaming, 
Brains are not overused by thinking. 

Change direction each morning, 
Life is not all about sleeping, 
That's not how people make a living, 
Wake up even though it's freezing. 

Comfort zones are so deceiving,
Our extensions we must be releasing,
A small voice you should be hearing, 
Teaching you to be strong and loving. 

Be kind, care about everything, 
Be cool and calm about your being,
Considering how others are feeling, 
Never give up just keep on believing. 


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