Saturday, October 21, 2017

What are You Going Through?

I see you smiling, laughing and dancing, 

I see you angry, yelling, complaining, what are you going through is what I'm asking? 

People act for a certain reason, 

Usually it's not what they are going through that season. 

People who are smiling doesn't mean they don't have problems; it only last for a while, 

In fact they can hide their problems in their smile, 

Sometimes the most depressed people are laughing the loudest in the room, 

Life is not what it seems; never assume. 

Sometimes the most dancing person is just trying to shake off all the problems, 

Trying to forget all the unending quarrels, 

Sometimes holding hands with your partner doesn't mean that everything is perfect, 

Somehow all life's problems for one mind conflict when they connect. 

You don't have to pretend to the world, 

Get help, be real, you will be healed by every wise word, 

Facebook smiles should be exceeded by your real smiles, 

People should sense your joy from miles. 

Stop acting as if you are okay, if you are not, 

Get out of the kitchen if the fire is too hot, 

People I looked up to growing up had 99 problems like Jay Zee, 

Really happy people can help you to be also free. 

What are You Going Through? 

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