Thursday, January 15, 2015

Behind Scenes

You might not appear on the New York Magazine, 
Appear on the Oprah and TED shows, 
Maybe you're just helping out to put gasoline, 
Whatever you do just stay on your toes. 
Stuck on that usual boring routine, 
Repeating the same thing over and over again, 
Making a mess and end up having to clean, 
Repetition slowly getting in your brain. 

You don't need to be rescued from repetition, 
It's the discipline we all should embrace, 
Just as long as you stay on your mission,
It's not your tail that you must chase.  

When there's something wowing you on the other side, 
You can't settle for good enough, 
Even when the paparazzi don't look for you from the bushes and hide, 
Inside you there's still lots of good stuff. 

While you're building your pipe line, 
There's something for you behind scenes, 
The time is near for you to shine, 
Success is resting in your genes. 

Behind Scenes 

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