I thought I wouldn't say anything about same sex marriage,
But then I saw how divided and emotional my friends are over this sensitive topic in this day and age,
I realised that not saying anything would be like watching the married couple fighting over the toothpaste,
I'm starting to wonder if the energy and the state funds we're investing in this topic are even a waste.
The reality is that the government has been debating this for a long time,
It has been thrown back to the hands of Australians to debate in the meantime,
I've never seen churches silenced about anything before,
The house is divided amongst itself, they can't even see the door.
It is said that a house divided against itself cannot stand,
This is not the situation that we can reference to any, people don't understand,
We can't compare it to race where people of different colour couldn't get married,
This is deeper than that, this is a moral issue we have to face before we are buried.
There are many reasons why this is an issue but I'll just pick one,
You'll still have to make your own choice when this is done,
Love. Love is the main reason why this is complicated,
When people love one another they have to be all happy otherwise love is not well demonstrated.
At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what we say,
We'll just continue to pray, for everyone to see love whether they are straight or gay,
Australians are not really deciding, the politicians are just taking the guilt and the responsibility away from their shoulders,
All other laws are easily taken, why is this one given back to us? This topic elicits mixed emotions to the eyes of the beholders.
Nobody really wins here, if you say yes you'll be against the bible which people are not really interested in listening to,
If you say no your love ability is questionable as someone who claims to be a man or woman of faith too,
Either way at the end of the day on earth or in heaven people will be judged and sentenced,
Whether you're a believer of after earth or not, whether you say yes to gay marriage or not you may loose your friends and family members over this; it's a moral decision and it's not even ours to make that's why I say we are silenced.