This hashtag is now used by all,
Especially as a wake up call,
It all started when students protested,
"No increase in fees", they requested,
That's how this trend started, #FeesMustFall.
Students were once promised free education,
This just sounds like a political motivation,
Again schools were burnt, as well as tires on the road and cars,
What a waste of resources it brought back 1976 scars.
Workers and students are hardly satisfied,
This won't stop unless the elephant in the room is identified,
Compared to great countries, wages in South Africa are crazy,
People work hard, yet paid like they are lazy.
South Africa is the first country I know with striking doctors,
They are paid like Safeway workers overseas, also less paid lawyers,
Nothing is wrong if we can't afford but something is not right,
Most people are too scared to put the truth in limelight.
The way history is repeating itself is so strange,
How many years will it be until we see real change?
We need more people to rise and stand so tall,
And say, rain must fall, crime must fall, poverty must fall,
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