My little daughter wakes up in the morning with a big smile,
She is such a cutie, full of joy that's why her middle name is Joy,
She reminds me and my wife what life is really all about, JOY!
There's nothing more important than enjoying this life.
My little daughter wakes up in the morning with a big smile,
She likes to dance with her whole body,
She likes to do Zulu kicks and putting her hands in the air,
She watches me as I walk around the room, smiling enjoying life.
My little daughter wakes up in the morning with a big smile,
Her life is so precious, like the brand new glass bowl,
I hold her like I'm holding an egg from the Supermarket,
She is so fragile and small and kissable and obedient.
My little daughter wakes up in the morning with a big smile,
She makes hundred faces all at once,
She lies down on my chest totally depending on me to keep her safe,
She mirrors what I do, no doubt she absolutely adores me haha.
My little daughter wakes up in the morning with a big smile,
It feels so great to have someone who look to you for answers, food, burps, cuddles, nappy change, baths, new clothes, dance moves, songs, walks and so much more,
I have no idea how I lived my life without her,
I really love, loving my cute, beautifully gorgeous daughter,
She Smiles
I love the faces of newborns! So many expressions!