Friday, June 26, 2015

Lead with Speed

People want a leader they can trust, 
A leader who sees growth as a must, 
Someone who has a clear vision, 
Who gives his followers a revision. 

Someone who will make things grow, 
Teach his followers the right flow, 
Someone who will lead with speed, 
Simultaneously plant a good seed. 

A leader that will influence others, 
Grow together like blood brothers, 
Doctors come from just a mister, 
Great lawyers come from a sister. 

Normalcy one day has to change, 
Only you have to then rearrange, 
Great leaders produce other leaders, 
They're all a group of good readers. 

Leaders have a senseless vision, 
They stay on track to follow a mission
They show people that they truly care
Through the ups and downs they're there. 

Lead with Speed  

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