Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Growing Up

When babies are born they have to grow, 
Not just by age but through overwhelming life's cycles, 
Metamorphosis through stages and ages as they are growing up, 
There is no manual for growing up. 

Life's options are often confusing and young adults feel lost, 
They all require proper guidance from their parents, 
To be friendly yet firm in every word, 
To help them navigate this confusing world. 

One day you'll do things all by yourself, 
Trying to seize the moment while the moment seizes you, 
You'll have your own kids and go through stuff like your parents, 
And then you and your spouse will one day be grandparents. 

Growing Up 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Brand New Days

Another year is about to go, 
We now have little ones to grow, 
They'll live by what we've said,
They'll have a lot to hope for ahead,
The future is about to be more bright. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Just Be

Be yourself everybody else is taken. 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Better than Santa

The Reason for the Season! What's Christmas is really about! Jesus is Way Better than Santa. 

Santa lives at the North Pole. 
JESUS is everywhere. 
Santa rides in a sleigh. 
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water. 
Santa comes but once a year. 
JESUS is an ever present help. 
Santa fills your stockings with goodies. 
JESUS supplies all your needs. 
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited. 
JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart. 
You have to stand in line to see Santa. 
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name. 
Santa lets you sit on his lap. 
JESUS lets you rest in His arms. 
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?" 
JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our names, He knows our addresses too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads. 
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly. 
JESUS has a heart full of love. 
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO 
JESUS offers health, help and hope. 
Santa says "You better not cry" 
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you. 
Santa's little helpers make toys. JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions. 

Santa may make you chuckle but JESUS gives you joy that is your strength. 
While Santa puts gifts under your tree,  
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree. 
It's obvious there is really no comparison. 
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about. 
We need to put Christ back in Christmas. 
Jesus is still the reason for the season. 
Yes, Jesus is better, he is even better than Santa Claus!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Hardworking will take you where your talent won't. 


Sunday, December 20, 2015


I am who God says I am not the world. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. I am the head not the tail. I am above not beneath. I transform the atmosphere wherever I walk. 

I A M 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


If you don't know where you want to be, don't be surprised if you end up where you don't want to be. 

A I M 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015


Read to lead with appropriate speed, 
Everyday increase your knowledge, 
Associate yourself with visionaries,
Discover the secret to success. 


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015


Everybody needs some inspiration, 
It's what keeps us going along the way, 
We all need someone to cheer for us. 

I N S P I R A T I ON  

Saturday, December 5, 2015


You will reach your destiny 
You and your vision will cohere 
You will accept your true situation 
You will daily walk in good faith 
You will do all these things when you 

B E L I E V E 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


We are the product of our roots, 
Our lives are from what we're built upon, 
Our strength is defined by our backgrounds, 
Our fighting spirit is linked into what we were taught, 
Our gratitude encourages us to overflow. 


Monday, November 30, 2015


Out of all the things in this world 
Businesses swamped with busyness 
Inflation affecting every nation 
Always know that you are 

S I G N I F I C A N T 

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Communication is the key, 
Communication makes me free, 
Let it out, share your thoughts, 
Together let's undo tied knots, 

Tell me what's stuck in your mind,
It's the solution that we'll find, 
Your frustrations you must release, 
That's where you'll find inner-peace,  

Lay your thoughts on the table's foundation, 
That's how you'll be able to heal this nation, 
You are the missing piece of this mysterious puzzle,
You are the solution for the world's struggle. 


Thursday, November 19, 2015

I Press

Though the enemies attack me 
Though the army is near me 
I fall down with every knee 
I know where I wanna be 
I know the things I wanna see 
I know that prayer is the key. 

I Press 

Friday, November 13, 2015


Only as flexible as I am can I flow 
Only as high as I reach can I grow
Only as eager as I am can I know 
Only as far as I seek can I go 
Only as cautious as I am can I flee 
Only as deep as I look can I see
Only as zealous as I am can I agree 
Only as much as I dream can I be


Wednesday, November 4, 2015


This world has always been stuck on numbers 
The number of shirts, the number of cars 
We seem to have forgotten that you can only wear one at a time 
You can only drive one car at a time 

When the right time comes you'll realise that you only need enough just to get by 
You only need one roof on top of your head not ten
You can do without 50 pairs of shoes and give the rest away 

How many marks you can score in class 
How many kilometres you can run in one hour 
How many cases you can win in a year 
We've lost our humanity while chasing for numbers 

We've missed the point of living while playing with digits 
And now, some of us realise that life is too short to live for numbers 
Let's talk about your single heart 
What really matters in your life? 


Saturday, October 31, 2015


Focus on what's more important, 
In life don't lose your main focus,
Some things are just unimportant, 
If you've deviated it's time to refocus. 

Money will always come and go, 
There are more important things, 
Maybe it's time for you to grow, 
And spread those sacred wings. 

Never work for your money, 
Let's money work for you, 
Enjoy outside it is sunny, 
Enjoy whatever you do. 

Focus on what you're good at, 
Do it often enough and perfect it, 
Build rapport, go on, have a chat, 
Submit to your dreams, never quit. 


Friday, October 30, 2015


Life without borders is awesome. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Gogo's Back

As I climbed on Gogo's back 
I found a place for me to sleep  
I have a long tradition to track 
And all these great gifts to keep 

As I wake up to have a snack 
I look for milk for me to seep 
I have lots of milk for mum to pack 
And all these bottles for me to sweep

As I want my milk for dad to unpack 
I really don't care if he's fast asleep
I even don't care if what I see isn't all black 
Let me stop this poem before I go too deep

Gogo's Back 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

South African Soil

On Sunday we were on the plane, 
We moved from Melbourne to Durban, 
Once you've started travelling, your head is always towards the sky, 
A part of you coexist in different continents, countries and cities. 

There is something so unique about moving back to South Africa, 
As the foot touches South African soil the feeling you have is this is home, The atmosphere gives you a huge hug as you land in this motherland, 
You see smiles everywhere from people who most have next to nothing. 

Travelling with our baby was a great experience, 
She slept most of the trip and behaved excellently, 
We couldn't have asked for a better baby, 
She just smiles and play like a princess. 

We are now settling in Durban after this long journey, 
A lot has changed, infrastructure is constantly improving, 
Prices for almost everything are constantly shooting up,
I salute people who are living here with stagnant salaries. 

Nevertheless we are so excited to be here,
We feel it in our guts that this is a right place to be and the right thing to do, 
We are back and my family is so excited to see our baby, 
We are guided by faith throughout our lives. 

South African Soil

Sunday, October 18, 2015

She Sleeps

She sleeps on my lap after a song, 
She sleeps on my chest after a cuddle, 
She sleeps at night and all day long, 
When she wakes up lots of fun we double. 

Her life is like a poem, intensity intertwined with calmness, 
Her cheeks are like marshmallows I'm constantly protecting them,  
Her scrutinising eyes are covered with brightness, 
Her calmness and cuteness makes people around go 'hmm'. 

She moves her hands as she sleeps, 
She makes many faces as she sleeps, 
She, she smiles as she sleeps, 
She's so peaceful as she sleeps. 

I often wonder what she's dreaming about, 
I often ask myself in which language is she dreaming? 
I can't wait for her to wake up and hear her shout, 
It's a great experience and a sound redeemer. 

During the busyness of life she sleeps, 
Call me bias but she's the best baby I've ever seen,
She's growing as she's sleeping to hangout with my peeps, 
She's cuter than the babies you've seen in the magazine. 

She Sleeps 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lion Queen

Go to the restaurant and get food,  
With your strong body carry it home, 
Hunt for your family in every mood,  
Your skill proves you'll never roam. 

Lion Queen 
A lot is said about the Lion King, 
But you do most of the hunting, 
Cub rearing you have a lot to bring,
Out in the wilderness you're grunting. 

Lion Queen  
After bringing food home you eat last, 
You are a very kind creature lioness, 
You go hunting when nobody asked, 
I'm overwhelmed by your awesomeness. 

Lion Queen 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Wedding Things

Before my wife and I got married, 
We were told that we gonna model this marriage thing, 
We are going to help lots of couples love well,
We were told that our awesomeness will draw people together, 

That's an awesome prophecy and now that we've been married for almost three years, 
Our bridal party is also getting married, 
They were not just our bridal party,
They are our best friends and we love them so much. 

I'm overwhelmed with love for these people, 
I wish them all the very best for their future plans, 
I pray that we have smart answers every time they seek words of wisdom, 
Advise to carry them through like how to love well. 

Nobody is an expert when it comes to these things, 
But I'm pretty sure we can all learn from one another,
We can wisely advise each other, recommend books and movies to watch. 
I love it when people love each other. 

Love one another, it's a commandment not even a request, 
Not from me but from God Himself, Love one another as I have loved you! 
I love and like my wife and baby Nala freely, 
Two weeks in a row we've been enjoying...

Wedding Things 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hard Work

It's either you're working hard
Or you're hardly working
I've worked 12 hours straight
Just to look after my family 

I've stayed all night preparing 
Preparing for my family's future 
This life is not just about you 
It's about you and your family 

Release your strength like never before 
There will be great reward through

Hard Work 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

As She Grows

I try to imagine how she will be like,  
Would she ask for something on her knees? 
I wonder if we will somehow be alike, 
Is she going to use key words like thank you, sorry and please. 

As She Grows
When I grew up I respected mum and dad so as a boy I became manlike, 
I was open minded as if I've travelled overseas, 
I hope that my baby girl as she grows up will do the same and be ladylike,
I hope that she will posses specific expertise. 

As She Grows 
I'll teach her what I know like how to ride a bike, 
I'll take her to the sea to enjoy sea breeze, 
I see myself in her, I hope she sees herself in me as we look alike, 
I'll teach her how to work hard and still approach life with ease. 

As She Grows 
I'll teach her how to dance and sing and how to perform holding a mic, 
I'll pay for all her expenses and her school fees, 
I'll teach her how to be a difference in this world by using her psych,
I'll tell her that respect for herself and others, hard work and education hold success' keys. 

 As She Grows 

Monday, October 12, 2015


Rooted deep within 
It is beyond happiness
I seriously love Joy 

(Senryu Poem)

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Last Piece

Who will take the last piece? 
That is how you'll see true character, 
From the plate, you can take. 

Last Piece 
(Senryu Poem)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Audience of One

It's a changing world 
People want different things
I only want one thing 

Audience of One  
(Senryu Poem)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Amazing Growth

It seems like you grow an inch every time I blink,  
Suddenly your eyes and mouth have a lot to say, 
It's not your fault, it's that milk you always drink, 
I always meet a new Nala each and everyday. 

I am here, to take a very good care of you, 
When we are in the mall people smile from every corner, 
You're Joy 'cause you bring joy in all you do. 
Your hugs are priceless, hold on a little bit longer. 

 Amazing Growth

Monday, October 5, 2015

Safety Sleep

As you go to bed, 
Just keep your face up and sleep 
Always dream bigger. 

Safety Sleep
(Senryu Poem)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Let it Rain

Take a centre stage in the pages of history, 
Let your life writes the lines the world wants to read, 
The lines the world wants to read and also don't want to read, 
Sometimes people don't want to hear the facts, 
They try to a amnesties the pain deep within, 
They just want to read and hear fairytales

They want to hear and make jokes all day until they are alone, 
Until they are alone to face the music, 
They then make unguided decisions, 
I've seen them, I knew them, who could have stopped them? 
When they did something stupid! 
They felt comfortable wearing the mask of joy while living in sorrow, 
You can pretend you're fine so long until reality strikes. 

Rain only matters to those who have seed on the ground. 
If you don't have seed on the ground rain is meaningless. 
You've been planting somethings, when the rain comes you can expect the harvest. 
Hold on just a little bit longer. 
The rain is coming to your house. 

The rain will wash all the dirt away, 
The rain will heal the pain deep within, 
The rain will strongly grow your kids, 
The rain will make you a brand new person, 
The world will raise the seed you've planted on the ground. 

Let it Rain 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Time After Time

Let me tell you about being free, 
Take a look and you'll find the key, 
We, will be where we need to be, 
I said, we will be where we need to be, 
Now relax, catch a breath and you will see. 

If you're lost you can look - and you will find me, 
Time after time, 
If you fall I will catch you - I'll be waiting, 
Time after time. 

To support you, I will work overtime, 
I will take you to the beach in summertime, 
I will cook you a meal and tell you it's dinnertime, 
After all spoiling you is not a crime, 
Yes, I love this poem because of its rhyme. 

If you're lost you can look - and you will find me, 
Time after time, 
If you fall I will catch you - I'll be waiting, 
Time after time. 

Time After Time

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Her Eyes

She was born with beautiful eyes,
Half opened yet half closed,
No doubt she was born to be wise, 
Her beauty was unopposed. 

Eyes are the windows to the soul,
I knew her through her eyes, 
Fathering her is my every term goal, 
She surely was born to rise. 

It's like looking directly in the mirror, 
I surely see myself in her, 
I always want to hold her nearer, 
It's her I'll always prefer. 

Her big brown eyes take me miles, 
She's scrutinising things,
She stares at me as she smiles, 
It's joy Nala Joy Shozi brings. 

She brings hope to this world, 
She's not just my daughter, she's a friend, 
Wisdoms will come from every word, 
My love for her will never end. 

Her Eyes

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Seal Your Brain

As you grow up so is your brain, 
You learn new things along the way, 
Good things happen to you, 
Bad things happen too. 

Seal Your Brain 
Some things are not remembering, 
They take you to that dark place, 
Where your heart hardens like the stone, 
Where your smiles turns to frowns. 

Seal Your Brain 
Don't let the past take you down, 
Don't let the ghosts haunt you, 
Whatever happened, get over it, 
Live your life and leave it alone. 

Seal Your Brain
You got your hands in the air, 
With your feet on the gas, 
You're about to wreck your future,
Run from your past.

Seal Your Brain

Monday, September 28, 2015

One Thing

More than just one thing, 
You can do more than one thing,
Just do everything.
(Senryu Poem)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Book is Coming

One day I told myself, I need to write, 
I know they're waiting for a book, 
I had it published, now selling worldwide, 
Again I told myself, I need to write. 

I love motivational poetry, painting, music and dance, 
I created projects that married all the forms of art I'm into. 
I went to a studio and created a unique sound, 
I painted, wrote lyrics, played instruments, wrote more motivational poetry and danced. 

I want to see the world singing, writing, painting and dancing , Moving towards victory, 
The story that you tell yourself will manifest in your life,  
People that you hang around with will shape who you'll become. 
Who are your friends? How are they contributing in your life?

What you're agreeing with will shape your perception, 
The information that you're exposed to will shape your world view, 
Rest assured more books, albums, talk shows and movies are coming, 
I want to help young adults make better choices in life. 

The Book is Coming